A freak fall.

On Sunday 29th January 2017,

I had a freak fall while jumping on the trampoline with Eloise,

I landed on my neck, heard some crackling sounds , and was in above moderate pain.

I was glad that I did not landed on Eloise.

I managed to keep calm , crawled out, immerse in cold water to numb the pain, quickly pack up, while trying to maintain my neck in an upright position .

A friend called for the  ambulance while his wife sent my family home first, keep calm and evacuate family first.

When the SCDF Ambulance arrived, I was already seeing white and blue spots, I could not replied to the Paramedic, (of which I wrote a Thank you note a day after I was discharged) , I could only hear them distantly, I felt like vomiting and I almost lose control of my bowels.

Over at the A&E, I muttered the only Name above all names that can save, JESUS , while being wheeled in, and when taking the CT scan, I felt His warm Presence surrounds my upper body like a warm blanket.

In short, no cervical bones were broken, there was no neurological impairment, Praise The Lord !

Nothing’s broken, nothing’s lost.


I was reading this Scriptures while I was under observation,

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. I Peter 2:24 NKJV

Tan Kok Siang

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