For Philippines

12 Who has measured the waters of the sea
    in the hollow of his hand
    and used his hand-width to mark off the heavens?
    Who knows the exact weight of all the dust of the earth
    and has weighed all the mountains and hills on his scale?
13 Who fully understands the Spirit of Yahweh
    or is wise enough to counsel him?
14 Whom does he consult to be enlightened?
    Who teaches him the ways of justice?
    Who imparts knowledge to him or shows him
    the true path of wisdom?
15 Even the nations are to him like a drop in a bucket,
    regarded as nothing more than dust on a scale.
    He picks up the islands like fine grains of sand.
16 All of Lebanon’s trees are not enough firewood for him,
    nor are all its animals enough for a burnt offering.
17 The nations are nothing in his eyes;
    he regards them as absolutely nothing.

Idols Cannot Be Compared to God

18 Who even comes close to being compared to God?
    How could you ever compare God to an idol?
19 A craftsman forms an idol-god,
    then a goldsmith overlays it with gold
    and forges its silver chains.
20 The one who is poor and cannot afford silver or gold
    chooses a tree that will not rot,
    then seeks a skilled workman
    to make an idol that will not topple.

Fear Not

21 Don’t you realize that God is the Creator?
    Don’t you hear the truth?
    Haven’t you been told this from the beginning?
    Haven’t you understood this
    since he laid a firm foundation for the earth?
22 He sits enthroned high above the circle of the earth;
    to him the people of earth are like grasshoppers!
    He stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
    spreading it open like a tent to live in.
23 He reduces rulers to nothing
    and makes the elite of the earth as nothing at all.
24 They barely get planted and barely take root in their position of power
    when the Lord blows on them and they wither away,
    carried off like straw in the stormy wind.

Isaiah 40:12-24 TPT

Photo by Nothing Ahead on

A Scripture to encourage those who are in Philippines

Adrian Tan Kok Siang GMT + 8 , 20th January 2022.

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