What We See, We Will Conceive. Genesis 30:37

And he set [a distance of] three days’ journey between himself and Jacob; and Jacob was then left in care of the rest of Laban’s flock.
37 But Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane trees and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white in the rods.
38 Then he set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred and conceived when they came to drink,
39 The flocks bred and conceived in sight of the rods and brought forth lambs and kids streaked, speckled, and spotted.
40 Jacob separated the lambs, and [as he had done with the peeled rods] he also set the faces of the flocks toward the streaked and all the dark in the [new] flock of Laban; and he put his own droves by themselves and did not let them breed with Laban’s flock.
41 And whenever the stronger animals were breeding, Jacob laid the rods in the watering troughs before the eyes of the flock, that they might breed and conceive among the rods.
42 But when the sheep and goats were feeble, he omitted putting the rods there; so the feebler animals were Laban’s and the stronger Jacob’s.
43 Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys.

Genesis 30:36-43 Amplified.


It took me several years of reading this, (2005-2015) I still could not really grasp the point of this.

This morning, as I was browsing my Bible, yes it happens, The Holy Spirit drops an impression unto my heart.

“What you see and believe in, eventually you will conceive.”

So in the natural, what is the picture that we are putting in front of us?

In our room, on our desk? on our iPad? When we open or closed our eyes, what is the vision that is before us?

In my Living room, are pictures frames of what I aspire to be, there is also another board of Scriptures verses that are important to me and I try to keep it in my mind, they get stolen or forgotten from time to time, you know that.

What we see in the natural, something is happening in the supernatural realm, eventually, it shall, it will come to pass.

What are you believing for ?

Tan Kok Siang
Monday 27th April 2015, Singapore.

One response to “What We See, We Will Conceive. Genesis 30:37

  1. I was just telling Victor that it’s so horrible to keep seeing the ugly print/photo on the cigarette pack of my FIL where we have our drinking cups too. What we see, it does affect us… Gotta fill our vision with the right stuff.


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