An Untold Story

Almost four decades ago, my mum went for an abortion and I did not get to have another younger siblings, forty years later, they cite reasons such as we were living on a tight budget and there are also fines imposed by the late Prime Minister “2 child population policy” to prevent an “population explosion”

Four decades later, me and my parents are still coming to grips with that decision, it had affected us , physically , mentally, emotional, spiritually.

Almost like a generation curse, I was also involved in another abortion, almost two decades ago.

I got involved in an affair and it ended with an unwanted pregnancy’s and as I listened to the details of the operation, I was completely taken aback and aghast that I have aided in the murder of an unborn child.

Almost two decades ago, I was in tears as I flew from Singapore to Los Angeles, shortly after than, I received Christ’s Salvation , that took place on a wooden cross, for me, at a little Church at Big Pine Key, Key West, Florida.

A child is the joint effort between a male and a female, for consenting married adults , it is a labor of love , for crime actions involving rapes , it may involved a child growing up without a father figure.

So, a child is an act of love or lust, depending on how the sexual intercourse took place.

And God had already set life to begin inside the womb.

The act of the abortion will take a toll on both men and women,

Abortion is not healthcare. It tears the baby out of the womb and the woman undergoes trauma.

Women are often physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually scarred because of the abortion,

My mental and emotional and spiritual wounds are healing and still being redeemed by the Lord.

And because He redeems our life, I am released of guilt, shame, condemnation, when we repent.

 He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness].

2 Corinthians 5:21 AMPC

A wise couple continually reminds me, parenting is not for the faint-hearted. I agree and it is so true for me today.

I hope you would choose life and not death.

The unborn have no voice, we are their voice and protectors.

Adrian Tan K S, 27th June 2022/ 28th Sivan 5782.

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