2022/5782 Entering a new era.

Recently I had a series of unlinked dreams and flash visions, that doesn’t seem to make sense.

I had since make it a habit to place a notebook where I can scribble notes down after I wake up from the nightmare or dream.

On 14th December 2021, in a dreamy dream filled with sunlight and comraderies , I saw laughter and brotherly camaraderie in a room where they were comfortable, but in the dream, I was sad because of the farewell that is taking place.

I woke up about 06:18 am on 14 December 2021.

After praying in the morning for an interpretation of what this dream could means ,

I just felt like it is a starting over all again, where we would have to make our own bed, the brotherhood and camaraderie would be scattered and some would never meet again.

It was in the context of National Military Service where men need to do 2 years of their time together.

The sunset could mean His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-23)

This could means this generation would goes off and another generation would come and takes it place.

That a comfortable era of protection may be over soon, friends would be gone soon and we would need to pick ourselves up and start a new life.

Friends and brother who had been on your side for the past two years, you may never see them again as each of you embark on a different destinies.

Some would be reluctant to leave the familiar setting they had been used to for the last 20 years, but we are moving ahead into a new era.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What are your thoughts about entering a new era in the year 2022/5782 ?

Adrian Tan

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